Utility Plugin Update 2.2.0 - 3.2.2

As always, a great tool!.

I’m curious why this is on Page Toolbar and not View Toolbar. In my quick tests, it applies only to the focused tiddler. Am I missing something?

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Thank you @Scott_Sauyet
Well, the toggle fields, reveals fields for all tiddlers, not the one under focus

Why so it does! I don’t know what I was seeing. It must be a Friday!

Sorry about that.

Release 3.2.0

I have added a new Immersive Reader mode. It works if TW-Tweaks is installed.
To enter the Immersive Reader mode, select the option from the Utility setting page and then when you press ctrl+shift-slash, all tiddler toolbar controls are hidden except the close button. Sidebar is closed and few buttons on the topbar can be seen.

This is good for webpage or notebook in a reader mode.

See change log.

  • Dec 27th, 2024
  • [NEW] Immersive reader mode added
  • [NEW] Hide toolbar controls on shadow tiddlers by default.
  • [NEW] Add option to show controls on shadow tiddlers on demand
  • [NEW] More snippests from Utility
  • [NEW] The $:/plugins/kookma/narenj/ui/side-editor is added to $:/plugins/kookma/utility/reader-mode/switch-actions to be hidden in reader mode.
  • [NEW] The Commander is hidden now when reader mode is activated
  • [FIXED] The way reador-mode works undergone a full overhaul, see $:/plugins/kookma/utility/reader-mode/styles
  • [FIXED] Rename $:/status/IsReaderModer to $:/config/utility/IsReaderMode to work under Node.js. This specially cure the issue when one reload the TiddlyWiki under Node.js

Code and demo


Hello @Mohammad — great to see more plugin development from you!!

The immersive reader idea is excellent.

I have one potential nudge: Almost always when I want immersive reading, I also want more generous story-river width.

One awkward fact about the current immersive reader implementation is that if I’ve already collapsed/hidden the sidebar, and then hit immersive reader shortcut, I actually end up with a narrower centered tiddler. It seems that if the sidebar is already collapsed (or if it is separately collapsed after invoking immersive reader), then “immersive reader” mode should be able to display the full-width version of the story river.

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Conversely, I know a lot of people who find narrower streams of text far more comfortable to read. I think a setting to allow users to set the story river width in immersive reader mode would be ideal. :slight_smile:


According to the practical typography guide text should be between 2 to 3 alphabets wide, so 52-78 chars!

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Sure, here’s a revised version:

Hi @Springer,

Open $:/plugins/kookma/tweaks/styles/storyriver-centered and set the width you like. By the way, as @Ste_W stated, the recommended width is around 52-78 characters. This width doesn’t force you to move your head from left to right; a little eye movement is enough!

Thanks for the update; I look forward to checking it out…

Indeed, there’s a max width to a readable column…

Still, we shoudn’t assume that the story river’s tiddlers are single-column text tiddlers!

In particular, I often make use of wide tables (Shiraz dynamic tables with alternating rows for horizontal visual tracking etc. :slight_smile: ) which really benefit from “immersive” focus, but which shouldn’t be prevented from making full use of whatever width is available.

Meanwhile, I’m thrilled by the recent tip from @Scott_Sauyet, which has inspired me to add a cascade condition that adds .tc-tiddler-body {column-width:40em;} to certain tiddlers. This way (since I don’t box my whole story-river into a narrow column by default), someone with a super-wide screen will benefit from readable-width columns for ordinary text tiddlers (those that don’t already have a special view template)…

TL;DR; if I’ve designed my wiki well, it already uses css to resist filling the story river with very wide columns of text.

So again, @Mohammad I’m grateful for your interest in making room for this flexibility! :pray:


Added to todo list: An option to Tweaks to let user set the tiddler width,


Release 3.2.2

  • Jan 30th, 2025
  • [NEW] The draggable button now supports copy title and copy source to clipboard. The shortcuts are customizable.
  • [FIXED] Several bugs in draggable button code
  • [FIXED] Documentation improved

Draggable handle adds a button to the tiddler view toolbar

The handle can be used to drag the tiddler and drop to other Tiddlywikis or drop over droppable lists and zones.

There are few actions works with draggable handle. It clones the permlink, permview, and close others buttons using modifiers with mouse click.

Scroll and focus

  • On click, it moves the current tiddler to the top of page
  • On alt-click focus on current tiddler e.g. all other tiddlers are closed (does exacly as the close others)

Permalink and permview

  • On ctlr-click permlink is copied to clipboard (does exacly as the permalink button)
  • On shit-click permview is copied to clipboard (does exacly as the permaview button)

Copy title and source

  • On ctrl-shit-click tiddler title is copied to clipboard
  • On alt-shit-click tiddler source (text field) is copied to clipboard

Edit $:/plugins/kookma/utility/ui/Buttons/draggable-link to change the modifier key, add new actions and modify the current ones.

Code and demo