Using TiddlyWiki to organize projects in Mexico City

Here is something I cooked up. Churches and ministry organizations in Mexico City are beginning to send me projects that need volunteers. The link above is to a new directory of projects, organized by project type and by ‘delegación’ - which borough of the city the project is in.


Neat. It seems the current version of Google Chrome has Google Translate built in. So it asked me to translate the site to English and it worked very well.

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A very good, clean design and layout. What are you using for your vertically arranged tabs?


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I use a tag, then the normal tabs macro in TW: <<tabs “[tag[yourtaghere]]” “” “$:/state/yoursuffixhere” “tc-vertical”>>

The second set of “” you can add, if you wish, the tiddler you want to show as the open tab. So “[[your tiddler name here]]”

Edit Directorio giffmex de proyectos CDMX to see what i did there

Or maybe you are asking about the list-search results within each tab? If so, I am using Tobias Beer’s list-search macro, and I am using a custom list item template so that the search results are shown as details elements that transclude tiddler content.

Macro tiddler: Directorio giffmex de proyectos CDMX

List item template tiddler: Directorio giffmex de proyectos CDMX

Thank you. That led me on to discover Stroll which might be a better place for me to move over to for a ‘notebook’ of buildings, architects and builders.


Hope you like Stroll!

I’ve also added Refnotes and all works nicely with Stroll. Now I can collect material, write and track sources all in one place.