You can skip this if you want. It’s mostly because others might recognise themselves in the situation.
I’m an aging role-playing nerd who has been using TiddlyWiki for campaign planning for a few years now.
Being a gang of (mostly) old farts, my role-playing group plays a lot of (often modified) old role-playing games — some of them even local to Sweden. We’ve come to prefer digitally fillable character sheets, but as you might imagine, the idea of such sheets existing for niche games from the eighties and nineties is laughable. So, being the resident techie and having a lot of time on my hands, I’ve added forms to a bunch of old PDF scans. Anyone who has worked with PDF forms knows that this is nearly illimitable torture. PDF is a horrible format to work with — forms arguably being one of the worst bits — so I’ve been considering alternatives for a good long while.
Then recently, it struck me: TiddlyWiki! It’s accessible, editable, stylable, self-contained… and free! It’s perfect (I hope!)
The Idea
I want to use TiddlyWiki to make fully styled (as in looking something like the paper originals), fillable character sheets for role-playing games. Preferably, build a template base onto which I (and maybe others) can just add a sheet design and the required fields and go play.
There are some really nice possibilities that come with using TiddlyWiki, such as having multiple layouts of the same form for different screen sizes (as well as one for print) accessible at the click of a button.
The Question
I’m fairly sure this is possible, but while I’ve messed about with TiddlyWiki enough to have some basic idea of where to start, I’m far from an old hand, so I figured I’d throw out a post asking for advice from those who have more experience. Maybe someone has done something similar already. Maybe someone is just intrigued. Maybe you’ll just humour me in an attempt to get me to shut up and go away! Who knows? It’s worth a try!