So I’ve been tinkering with the fields in the editTemplate (with the previous help from @EricShulman in my other post), and was curious of a few things (also, here is my early works on using textareas in place of inputs, use at your own risk- its a bit hacky and probably not stable IDK, I recommend putting it into an empty TW)
TextAreaFields.json (2.2 KB)
Is there any sort of problems with using textarea input types rather than normal inputs when it comes to fields?
is there a way to keep the field name input and add btn inline with the first line of the textarea, rather than the last one?
How can I get the textarea to expand more in the editTemplate? Seems to stop after a certain width and height, and I haven’t found a workaround just yet.
Am I doing anything that could potentially break the tiddler?
My goal is to have each field contain whatever text, and to have a btn next to the textarea that uses the show/hide icons that toggles if that specific field displays in that tiddler (I don’t know if this is possible yet, but I’m certainly going to try haha)