Using part of an article as a title without naming tiddler

Using part of an article as a title without naming tiddler, As shown in vscode below, is there a way we can try to achieve it in tiddlywiki

Sure you could use the first 2 or 3 words in a tiddler as the temporary title as a hint, to the content. … But … If you save the tiddler you must use a unique name in TW.

So why make the process more complex than it needs to be. Define the title of the tiddler immediately. … done.

I agree with @pmario, you could call it “New Article” and “New Article n” etc… in preperation for correct naming. However a title can be as long as a paragraph if you want.

  • Personaly I am interested at some point introducing a set of tools for renaming titles after creation for example add a date stamp, an increment, the project name etc… all with a simple click. Eg new tiddler “Projectname Project task” click to add date/increment to make unique, add date stamp etc…

i would be interested in that tool :eyes:
keep us updated if you go through with it!

I have a situation where I’m almost always cloning an existing complex tiddler (within dynamic table, or otherwise), and then needing to impose a new title (one that integrates a straightforward string from the one field that reliably has a different value from the original).

Alas, titles are the one field that can’t be edited within dynamic tables (for understandable reasons), but I do wish there could be a “click-fix” solution for making these tbl-cloned titles meaningful (Rather than being suffixed with numerals). Mohammad’s Commander can modify titles, but I don’t see a way to specify the replacement title dynamically (it focuses on adding/substracting literal prefix and suffix strings)… So I’m curious about other strategies!

Presumably a title for a tiddler Should be related to say the row. Or if the were a tiddler for each cell row x column.

As long as they title is not what places the tiddler in a table creating a new tiddler cloned or otherwise should only need a new name?

  • what are these new tiddlers you clone in relation to the table?

Perhaps you could share a demo with tiddlers and table?

Here’s one such practical example:

Expand the “group work results” section… or just go to the demo-specific dynamic table which shows a bit more. Each result-tiddler represents a different answer-set, as chosen by one or more “teams” in class.

Response results are named, in system space, as combination of session # and answer choices. So the titles are $:/d3-a $:/d3-ae $:/d3-bcd etc. (That way, I can recognize them easily when I’m doing an advanced search.)

The titles “follow” two of the fields in a straightforward algorithm (setting aside the typographical trick for circled letters), but I always end up having to open each tiddler to set the title manually even though all the elements are already there in the other fields. (Sure, I could design a button to impose new titles according to my informal rule — I haven’t gotten around to that, hence my interest in this topic!)

For clarity;

  1. So You would like to click a current title like $:/d3-bcd and rename it? but inline rather than using the tiddler edit?
  • I think I can see a way to doing this but one issues is if it affects the table order we may see refresh issues.

Other thoughts as I understand so far;

  • Since the existing title serves its purpose, to be unique and meaningful as you say;

That way, I can recognize them easily when I’m doing an advanced search

  • Would it not make sense to keep it?, and edit a caption field such that if and when a caption exists that is displayed instead of the title?
    • It would look in the table like renaming the title but you add and rename the caption.

Rather than use caption we can also use another field. I already have a solution that uses the field alt-title, with the added advantage it is displayed when you open the tiddler in the story (where the title is).

  • Despite this it can continue to be a system tiddler
  • This can also use the caption field if you want

Of course it’s possible to treat titles as pretty much meaningless unique strings, and have other fields do the real work (as with streams, if I understand correctly).

I’m resistant to going that route, though. I do use captions for all sorts of things, but that’s in addition to meaningfully recognizable titles… Titles will always be showing up somewhere, and titles that end in " 1 1 1 1" (and the like) are annoyingly unhelpful. For any field, title or otherwise, I don’t see why we should settle for filling it with nonsense and then papering it over.

A related consideration is the long-term desire to retain the flexibility to drag tiddlers between projects (which we usually do by dragging the … title) and have them cross into an off-the-shelf TiddlyWiki and introduce themselves properly (that is, by their names). I’d love for the integrity and intelligibility of my workflow not to depend on replicating one project’s kluge in a second project so that imported tiddlers are intelligible in sidebars, searches, and such. :slight_smile:

Just my 2¢ in favor of exploring in-line reassignment of dynamic-table titles (which at one point @Mohammad seemed skeptical about), and/or a filtered rebuild-titles-from-fields workflow for cases where authors are confident that the wiki structure guarantees uniqueness (location-time pairs, latitude-longitude coordinates, what have you).

Of course, any such solution still needs a fall-back way of guaranteeing uniqueness (by, say, appending a space and numeral) in the rare case authors are wrong about this (that is, wrong about the expected uniqueness of the titles cobbled together by fields).

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I would prefer to develop an Improved “default” duplicate title feature so “1 1 1 1” never occurs, at least within a solution like a dynamic table. However in such a table if its table name is helpful “annual details” and its row and column have a meaning (Read always do) then its simple to manufacture a suitable and unique name for a new tiddler, using the auto generated method, then with a caption you can call it whatever your please whilst retaining its meaningful, formal and unique title.

  • Then of course if the items can find their place in the table according to other fields you can really rename the title as well.
  • There are ways to handle the import of tiddlers to another wiki and avoiding clashes on import, the simplest being an import prefix, or increment suffix.

Consider “new-row N tablename”?

In my case – and not to disparage the “improved default” idea! – no automatic title-variant is likely to capture the specificity I would want in a title.

I realize, after sitting with the idea a bit, that the most straightforward solution, for a workflow like mine, is actually to have some edit-field available near the dynamic table in which the intended title for the “next on deck” tiddler could be entered before clicking the tbl-clone (clone row) button. (Then I could tweak the remaining fields of the new tiddler, right there within the dynamic table, without ever having to go open the thing just to edit the title field.)

Even better: a button to the effect of “clone this tiddler X times, where X is the number of strings in {{!!titles-on-deck}} field”, so that each on-deck title is assigned to one of the clones. :slight_smile: Then I have my batch of a half-dozen related records, properly titled, with minimal fuss…

So this is somewhat opposite to the OP, who wanted to defer the naming step, saving the temporary content somehow (if I understand correctly). My apologies for the digression…

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You could use a modal or popup either to enter a title or activate a generate rows tool.

There may be a little work with refresh process.

Other approaches include drawing names from a dictionary such as mythological creatures :nerd_face:

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It now possible to use cascades and hide title and show the caption instead of title. This wy you can use a long number like stream to name tiddler!

I think TW 5.2.7 (I assume from 5.2) is enough powerful to gets ride of tiddler title!

  • For clarity, it was possible for along time without using the cscade, a set of else runs for example {{{ [all[current]get[caption]] ~[all[current]get[title]] }}}
  • And in some cases make use of the first[] operator