Using openalltagged with a list?

Hi everyone

What ‘define’ should I use with the snippet below? What I want is a list of buttons, one for each tag, and when I click the button, all the tiddlers tagged with that tag open. I am using the open all tagg

<$list filter="[is[tag]]"><<openalltagged "$tid$">>&nbsp;&nbsp; </$list>

Feel free to do this another way. This was just my attempt to get as close as I could.

I don’t know if you’re referencing some actual macro “openalltagged” or a conceptual one.

This should do what you want. Note that not all tags have tag tiddlers. This finds all tags, which might be more than you want.

\define opentag()  <$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag<currentTiddler>]"><$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/></$list>

<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]tags[]sort[]]">
<$button actions=<<opentag>> ><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button> <br/>
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Thank you, Mark! With a couple of adjustments (got rid of +shadows and added !is[system]) it works perfectly!

Ah, re-reading this, I have a feeling you meant to type +missing rather than +shadows. I made that adjustment.

Here is what I did with it:

I find it hard to follow that when all the editing features seem to be inaccessible.

You can “hack” it by deleting or renaming “$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title” .

You always make stuff look so good!

My suggestion would be to save the last tag clicked. Then when you make a a new entry, have that tag applied, since that’s the most recent thing the user is thinking about, presumably.

Unless of course they’ve been listening the national emergency broadcast system.

Just for completeness a reminder, I have created a close all tagged, and open all tagged, for the tag pill dropdown and in my “filter pills”, in development.

Look for “reimagin tags” or ask me.

D’oh! Now I see all you have to do is click “title” over in the sidebar.

  1. @Scott_Sauyet As Mark S says, you can click the title checkbox in the sidebar. Also, I plan to use 2click2edit plugin so I can just double click the tiddlers to edit them. The reason everything is hidden is to create a story river with only the text showing.

  2. @Mark_S , if I think I am going to use the same tag repeatedly, I have the option of adding it to the edit-text area in the sidebar tab as tags="Peter". I also am using that edit-text area to add in advance the source I am taking notes on, so all I have to do when generating a note is add the page number. Thanks, too, for the compliment on the aesthetics of it!

  3. @TW_Tones , my solution for closing is the close-all button, which is actually the home button. Closes everything except the default tiddler, which is the top tiddler.

  4. Everyone, my inspiration for this was the way Dynalist does tags so that clicking on a #tag hides everything else and shows only the nodes with the tag. My original idea was to have every non-system tiddler visible, then filter down by clicking buttons either on the tiddlers or in the list of tags at the top. But then I realized it would be easier to understand just to have the tag buttons at the top and a close button in the tiddlers.

Use case inspiration: Just saving individual notes and tagging, and publishing once a week. Users can see my notes on various topics I am studying. Most likely I will have several of these TWs, each focusing in on a topic, and the tags will be fairly narrow in scope.

I understand. One reason I mentioned this is for future visitors attracted by the topic title.

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Yeah, but I had no editing capabilities to delete or rename anything :wink: … at least not until I saw:

Ok, got it.

Very cool!