Using GitHub Actions to build a plugin for release

TODO: research and document this :wink:

Roughly take repo push to main branch and run TW under NodeJS and zip / make a release.

Command to build a plugin tiddler as a JSON file from source:

tiddlywiki PATH/TO/TIDDLYWIKI.INFO --render "PLUGIN-TIDDLER-TITLE" "[slugify[]addsuffix[.json]]" "text/plain" "$:/core/templates/json.tiddler"

tiddlywiki . --render "$:/plugins/sq/streams" "[slugify[]addsuffix[.json]]" "text/plain" "$:/core/templates/json-tiddler"

The plugin tiddler title is the one specified in the plugins file.

Feel free to edit this wiki page to add links or answers — @boris