Using filters in recipes

I’m exploring the possibility of using filters in recipes.

A bag is a collection of tiddlers, like a single wiki.

A recipe combines multiple bags into a logical collection of tiddlers.

(Most of you probably recognize what I’m talking about, but that’s the generic explanation.)

That way you can have one bag for all your system tiddlers and configuration, and then include them in all your wikis.

More complex arrangements will probably need the ability to use filter expressions to select specific tiddlers from a bag.

Is this a great idea or is it the making of a nightmare?

IMO since access rights are bound to bags, that will cause a lot of problems. Think about separation of concerns. — I think KISS is the way to go.

I think we need to keep the structure tiddlyweb introduced. A lot of thought went into it. As far as I can remember it was designed to have filters for bags. But nobody really used that option. Way to complex.

This would be filtering the tiddlers inside a bag you have already been granted access to. It wouldn’t be used to determine which bags you have access to.

I’ve been trying to find documentation on Tiddlyweb, but a lot of the hosting sites aren’t working anymore.

Especially the backlinks may be of interest.
Every page has a next an previous button at the bottom of the page