Using field data in a transclusion tag search

I feel like this should be simple, but I can’t get the syntax to work.

I have a transclusion that lists all tiddlers tagged with hiking and grand_teton
{{{ [tag[hiking]tag[grand_teton]] }}}

I have a field location_name with the value grand_teton and I can display the content of that field with

I would like to modify the first transclusion so that it uses the location_name field instead of hard coding the string grand_teton. However, when I put any forms I can think of of the !!location_name reference in the transclusions it stops working.


Within filter syntax, use single curly braces for transclusion of a field value, like this:

{{{ [tag[hiking]tag{!!location_name}] }}}

ahhh, the one combination I didn’t try.