Use your mouse to select one or more groups of checkboxes in the specified area and confirm the import

Use your mouse to select ($:/import) the checkbox for the specified area (from label 1 in the upper left corner of the rectangle to label 2 in the lower right corner of the rectangle) and quickly import


Click out with the mouse one by one, when importing a large number of tiddlers, and only select a few dozen local tiddlers, it seems to be a small number, but this workload is also very tiring

Doing this the way I want will only turn the header of the ($:/import) pre-import list blue, and not check the box I want to check for the items I want to import

I asked the ai, and unfortunately it gave me a huge amount of illusion code

Any reply would be greatly appreciated

I don’t know how easy it is to tweak this behavior. (The last time I inquired about tweaking the import dialog, I learned it was more complicated than I thought.)

But in the meantime, maybe you would want to check out browser extensions that offer to help with such things? For example

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Thank you very much, this is a really good solution, and it would be nice to have the css functional styling code installed and uninstalled for tiddlywiki

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You are right. It’s not that easy. At the moment there is no functionality in the core to implement a behaviour like this one. Browsers know about a “mouseover” event, which will probably work for PCs but mobile devices will need a different UX. They do not have a mouse and there is no “touchover” event with a similar behaviour.

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The OP gives me an idea;

Could the import mechanism list the total set of tags used by the to-be-imported tiddlers? Each tag is shown as a button. The user can uncheck/check these to batch include/exclude the listed tiddlers for the import.

I imagine this might be useful in some importing situations, but I’m not sure - whaddyallthink?


Thats an Interesting idea @twMat

I just had a thought. The ability to use click, ctrl-click and shift-click exists within “$select multiple”, it would be possible to add this selection mechanism to the import tiddler template.

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In the third screenshot, the selected titles (in blue) can be drag and drop/copied as a list of titles. Can test it by dragging them to a text file. I don’t know enough to do it but this seems feasible:

  1. Have two dropzones, one named "select"and another named “unselect” somewhere, perhaps in TW sidepanel.
  2. During import preview, drag the list of titles to be selected/unselected to the respective dropzone.
  3. The dropzone will extract the list of titles and update the checkbox settings in $:/Import tiddler accordingly. Based on Make automatically uncheck the import of duplicate items , I think checkbox settings of $:/Import works by having a “selection-[tiddlertitle]” field for each selected titles.

Just a suggestion.

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A column between the checkbox column and the title column could be used for Ctrl-drag selection (and toggling the selected state of the corresponding checkboxes).

I ducked for something similar and found this: Edit fiddle - JSFiddle - Code Playground (jQuery, but the idea is close).

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