Use R scripts to manage reference in Tiddlywiki

Following the discussion here, my tiddlywiki

  • is configured under node.js in my laptop
  • is using TW-Refnotes to manage reference
  • creates a tiddler for each colleague with links to multiple sources (e.g. ORCID, Scopus, Google Scholar, ResearcherID, homepage)

I write a few R scripts to

  • author publications from multiple sources through adding colleague tags
  • list all references for a publication
  • other minor functions.

I converted them into a R package and shared them on github. It might be useful for community in my similar situation.

Just keep in mind I only test it for my only situation. This package will update tiddlers depending on function. Create a backup and test before using it.


Thanks for sharing @Zheng_Bangyou! This is an interesting space; perhaps the scripts tag you used for the thread can be reserved for this kind of external-scripts-that-interact-with-tiddlywiki

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Great job! Thank you for sharing.