Usage of each font family in TiddlyWiki

Hello all

Can someone summarize if my understanding of the Theme Tweaks font families is correct?

Font family - used for the body (everything except pre / code)
Code font family - used for pre / code
Editor font family - used for editing tiddlers

I find there’s not too much documentation discussing an overview of how fonts are used in TiddlyWiki. I seem to recall there it was possible to change font-weight before in Theme Tweaks, but maybe I am misremembering?

Yes, the font order can be set there, but the font needs to be available to the browser or wiki. Fonts can be imbedded or loaded within a raw tiddler, or css based fonts like fontawsome and others already have implementations.

What do you need to achieve?

Sorry I realized I forgot to mention in my original post I was wondering if it was ever possible to set the font-weight as a theme tweak.


You can customise anything with CSS in tiddlywiki but you may need to target different elements, classes etc… Personally I find font weight almost irrelevant when tiddlywikis can be zoomed in and out to almost any level. eg; ctrl-Mouse roller (as you can do here too).

There is no comprehensive documentation on css classes and ID’s in tiddlywiki but you can use the developer inspect tool to find the ones you are looking at, many have the name beginning “tc-” then rather than edit where you find them make a stylesheet tiddler tagged $:/tags/Stylesheet and set overrides there. If you break something you simply remove the tag, and you can transfer this tiddler to other wikis.

Remember all of tiddlywiki’s User interface is open, readable, searchable and hackable. Given enough time, stuck on a desert island you could always work it out.

What font in which locations do you wish to tweak the font’s font-weight ?

I finally found the answer regarding font-weights, it was previous set at 300 for the h1-h6 tags, but in a recent update is now set at normal