Upgrading markdown plugin from 5.2.2 to 5.3.6: formatting problems throughout

Just upgraded the markdown plugin from 5.2.2 to 5.3.6 and now every markdown tiddler is formatted wrong:

  • no indentation for lists, etc., though it was working before. I had been indenting with 2 spaces.
  • headers marked with ## etc get turned into orderd lists (looking like 1. instead)
  • lists marked with - instead of * aren’t formated as lists but just as plain text.

I didn’t see any plugin settings in the control panel that looked like they control anything like this.

The tiddler types are set to text/x-markdown but changing it to text/markdown (from the dropdown) doesn’t fix it.

What’s going on and how do I get the new markdown plugin to work with this old twiki? (WIll it be fixed but simply upgrading my Twiki?) (This is with TiddlyWIki 5.2.2 by the way.)

Are you sure, that your plugin is active. Both types text/markdown and text/x-markdown should work with the latest version.

You can copy / paste one of your tiddlers to https://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/ which should work with the latest markdown plugin.

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It is not a good idea to try and use newer plugins that the core version you are using,

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Plugin was definitely active, because if I manually fixed a tiddler (as described below) it was formatted correctly (except for links, I couldn’t make them work.)

I went ahead and did an upgrade to 5.3.6 and found the following after the upgrade:

  • All markdown formatting was messed up as follows:
    • Indentation for formatting (e.g., nested lists) must be 4 characters, I was using 2. So everything appears as run-on w/o formatting.
    • Even when I fixed the formatting it was still run-on unless I also added blank lines between a line and the subsequent line-to-be-nested (though that was inconsistent)
    • Numerical lists where all items are set to 1. are all formatted as 1. instead of as automatically incrementing numbers. I do this because it is easier than constantly renumbering items when you move things in a list around, or add or remove items.
    • Worst of all: All markdown formatted URL links e.g. [to page foo](https://archive.is/this/is/some/link.html) appear just as shown, except that the url is linkified. That is, not shown as a proper link with link text.

Basically all tiddlers - which in my world are exclusively markdown - are broken. So I think I’ll have to stick with what I have. And I fear I’m going to have to look at true Markdown alternatives, which though not as nice (to me) as TiddlyWiki, nevertheless are true Markdown and have notetaking/notelinking abilities. (Possibly Obsidian.)

Can you provide a reproducible example? So far, markdown has worked fine for me.

tiddlywiki markdown 5.3.6 should use the if syntax. For 5.2.2 wiki, this will definitely cause problems in display. However, there is no problem with syntax parsing and rendering.

try you markdown on the offical site:


Are all your other plugins updated to work with 5.3.6?

Maybe try disabling all plugins except markdown