[UPDATE] Palette Manager Edition / Plugin - New Previews, All Core Palettes Fixed

The Palette Manager Edition / Plugin

allows you easily change palette colours using “live previews”


The Palette Watch plugin depends on the Palette Switcher plugin for the ControlPanel UI.


Is a year old, but still shows how the palette manager edition works.


All the WikiLabs plugins have been updated to use the ControlPanel → Settings → WikiLabs tab now.

In the ControlPanelSettings → WikiLabs → Palette Manager tab you can see the plugin readme :wink:

There are no settings at the moment. But you can configure Palette Switcher and Palette Watch which are new.


What’s new - New Previews:

  • Testcase widget / tiddlers
  • Stability Badges for plugins
  • Tabbed Toc preview

ControlPanel → Appearence → Palette uses the new Palette Switcher UI, that makes it easy to compare 2 themes.

Editor Area with colour names, actual colour values and colour of “origin” palette to compare or rest

WikiLabs Suite

The WikiLabs Main Page gives an overview about all editions, plugins and themes.

There is an Introduction Video how to make the WikiLabs Plugin Library available in your own wikis, accessible from the ControlPanel → Plugins → Get More Plugins dialogue.

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