Update Images links

Hi there,

I have a wiki with dozens of images with image paths pointing to local folders, for example /home/ricardo/Docs/One/Wikis/Img/image1.jpg . I want the wiki to be available online so I can view it anywhere, I already put it in Amazon AWS, but I have to update each image link, for example, instead of [img width=590 height=256 [file:///home/ricardo/Docs/One/Wikis/Img/image1.png]] I have to use img src=“Img/image1.jpg” . Is there a way to make bulk changes, update all the links at the same time?

Thank you very much

I haven’t used it personally, but if I understand correctly Commander is designed for this sort of thing.


That looks useful!

For finding sorting setting remaking paths of links, any grep or rename tool could be used on the text (html) file directly.

Can anyone please tell if that is Taboo or seriously bad idea ??

If not a good idea, please explain why.

Thank you, gonna see if it works.

I’ve tried modifying the file with Kate but for some unknown reason didn’t work…

There are native tiddlywiki ways to do such things; learning them will help develop your skills. The New backtick substitution method may make it very easy.

I believe that was what the OP was asking for. Do you have specific suggestions?

Because I usually run in node, I tend to use quick Node scripts for anything that’s supposed to run across all my tiddlers. (For instance, this morning, I wrote a quick script that removed created and modified from all the tiddlers in a particular wiki.) I would also like to know of an easy native way to bulk update a number of tiddlers to for instance, change link formats to all my images.

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Commander did it! Anyway, thx for your answer @TW_Tones, I’m always trying to improve my skills. Next time :slight_smile:

Woohoo! I really need to try it myself!


…Shallow Diving into:

“New backtick substitution method”

Off down the :rabbit: :golf: I guess

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If you haven’t seen it, this simple post is useful:

If you speak JavaScript, this is very similar to Template literals.