Upcoming deadline for preserving old and most probably abandoned Tiddlyspot sites

Tiddlyspot sites created between 2006 and 2010 that have been entirely ignored/abandoned since April last year will soon be going away forever.

I’m not expecting anyone to be too worried about this, but do let me know if you have concerns.

More details, including information about how to ensure your sites are preserved, and some other FAQs, are available at this blog post.


Nooooooo!!! YOU CAN’T…

reads blog post, puts down pitch fork

That seems quite reasonable!


When is the cut-off date?

The exact date is yet to be determined, but I’m thinking Halloween 2022 or thereabouts. Let’s say 11:59:59 pm on October 31st, with December 31st as a potential extension.

Oups, I do have stuff I need to take care of and would much appreciate an extension to nov 6 because I have vacations next week and it would be perfect for dealing with this. Much appreciated.

Sure, no problem. Let’s say December 31st is the new deadline.

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the storage for the roughly 125 GB of old Tiddlyspot data incurrs a monthly bill that I’d like to stop paying

@simon I am curious how much it costs if you don’t mind sharing this with us. Not that I am objecting to your decision. Merely curious.

It’s actually not much - around $3 per month.

The cost is low because there’s almost no traffic. In comparison the primary Tiddlyhost storage is now 16G but it’s costing around $25 a month for the traffic. That’s likely to go up with the amount of usage rather than the amount of data stored.

Just to make it clear since I think there has been some confusion:

  • Tiddlyspot is not shutting down. It will continue to operate just as it does now.

  • If your Tiddlyspot site was viewed even once since April 2021 it will keep on keeping on. There’s no impact and you don’t need to do anything.

  • Only “abandoned” sites are in danger of being removed.

  • The definition of abandoned sites in this case is sites that have been visited zero times since April 2021, i.e. nobody has clicked on them or looked at them in the last 18 months.

Note that Tiddlyhost and Tiddlyspot are not the same thing. Tiddlyhost is the new site where you need to sign up and login. Tiddlyspot is the old site created in 2006. There is no impact on Tiddlyhost.