Twexe updates - the hta plugin, not the single file exe


I’ve made a few tweaks for anyone who still uses it. Edit: This is the plugin for windows/hta flavoured Tiddlywikis that lets you run batch scripts that are either defined within tiddler entries or from external .bat files.

There is a basic guide here : TWEXE Basic Examples — the plugin not the other one

  • support basic transclusion in target tiddler and most macro args
  • support running more than one batch at a time
  • batch file run by default in the %TEMP% folder, this is configurable.
  • run batch script from within tiddler or from external .bat file

now all the below should work

<$twexe tiddler="tiddler.bat" args="hello world"/>
<$twexe tiddler="tiddler.bat" args="{{ArgsTiddler}}"/>
<$twexe tiddler="tiddler.bat" args="{{ArgsTiddler!!args}}"/>
<$twexe tiddler="tiddler.bat" args="{{ArgsTiddler!!args}} {{ArgsTiddler1!!args}}"/>

as well as using transclusion for any args except the target tiddler.
<$twexe tiddler="tiddler.bat" target="{{local.batchfile.location}}" args="{{ArgsTiddler!!args}} {{ArgsTiddler1!!args}}"/>

Latest version is available in either:

And the code is here
