Twana, a TiddlyWiki that imitates Tana

Hi guys

I am not actually going to pursue this. This is way above my paygrade. But I did a quick mock up of a TiddlyWiki that imitates some of Tana. Very little of it works. There is a lot of cheating going on in this image. The basic idea is thin frames and tight theme and small tiddler titles with the fold button to the left of the title, and tags to the right. The unfolding would reveal the body and the view template for backlinks. The Format +, Status + etc with the dropdowns for selecting tags actually work. They are something Mohammad whipped up for me some time ago for an edit template.

Anyway, those of you who know what you are doing, feel free to take this idea and run with it. From what I have seen, there is a LOT more to Tana, it looks really cool. I watched an interview / tour with Maggie Appleton on Youtube. But maybe there would be some value in reverse engineering as much as possible into a TW knockoff, a la Stroll? But it won’t be me.

Oh, and I kind of threw down the gauntlet on Twitter for this, so you guys better get moving before the crowd gets here…


Bravo! You sir win the prize poodle for this.

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Can I suggest everyone be carful not to put themselves in possible threat of copywrite infringement. It may be better to demonstrate how tiddlywiki can or already does something similar to Twana, rather than replace, copy or complete with Twana.


I think there is no problem. It may be the other way around. We know and use all the concepts for ages.

  • We use tags in tiddlywiki probably since 2004.
  • Streams can be used as an outliner … It even looks very similar
  • every tag in TW is a super-tag if a corresponding View- or EditTemplate exists, that uses that tag

The “field-inheritence” model is interesting, but may become a problem in the future if it is tag based.

I personally would use a _inherits-from field which would be handled as a “list-field”. If the field exists it would show the fields defined in the tiddlers listed in the list-field. …

It will still be possible to inherit fields from tags, but it removes the necessity to use tags for it.


@DaveGifford … :slight_smile: that’s a very nice mockup and nicely shows the power that TiddlyWiki gives – users.


No worries. I am not actually pursuing this. But in a separate thread I will be mentioning ideas generated by Tana as possibilities for TW adaptations or plugins.

I am sure you will be dog friendly too … !

I am always dog-friendly!

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I think being able to import a Tana export (a node of nodes) into TiddlyWiki would be very interesting.

There is a SuperTag plugin, auto-generate a field editor on view template.

Tana’s core feature is generate field editors based on the tag. Person tag will generate several related fields. This SuperTag plugin does this well.

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Thanks @linonetwo. But I should be honest and say this was a joke post.