[tw5] Use Case for Session Storage: Fibonacci Series


TiddlyWiki instance available for play: My TiddlyWiki — a non-linear personal web notebook

And the TiddlyWiki syntax (no javascript) version:

\define fibo(fnmax fni:1 fnm2:0 fnm1:1)
<$list filter="[[$fnm2$]match[0]]">
F,,$fnm2$,, = $fnm2$<br>
F,,$fnm1$,, = $fnm1$<br>
<$vars fni={{{ [[$fni$]add[1]] }}}
fn={{{ [[$fnm1$]add[$fnm2$]] }}}>
F,,<<fni>>,, = <<fn>><br>
<$list filter="[[$fnmax$]compare:integer:gt<fni>]"><$macrocall $name=fibo fni=<<fni>> fnmax=$fnmax$ fnm2=$fnm1$ fnm1=<<fn>>/></$list>

<<fibo 25>>

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I find the layout of the code above looks better when viewed in Google Groups.

Great stuff Charlie, really inspired. I hope you will enjoy the new possibilities coming in Parameterised transclusions by Jermolene · Pull Request #6666 · Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 · GitHub

Best wishes


G’day sir,

I’ve actually been doing parameterised transclusion for about a year now, with my own syntax:

{{ blah_blah_tiddler-tiddler-title:::param1:::param2 || tTemplate}}

The parameterised transclusions work is really interesting, I think it will be fantastic for everybody, but I don’t think I’ll ever use it.

Using the pipe as a separator for parameters is a serious turn-off for me. When a symbol starts having too many different uses in too many contexts, that symbol quickly stops providing me visual cues/anchors I need to quickly process what I’m looking at. (Would we call that “symbol-overloading”?)

For every millisecond of cognitive-processing-brake-pumping going on, I quickly get frustrated and miserable.

Although kind of “wordy”, the triple colons have been good for me, so far, because they stand out. I immediately recognise what I’m seeing. No sticks in the cognitive wheels, cognitive wheels not stuck in the mud.

Something like that …

Delayed reaction: thanks for the comment!

A lot of times, when I figure out in my head how to do something in TiddlyWiki, I don’t follow through on doing it because the challenge is no longer there. No challenge, no problem to solve, no interest.

This was one of those rare moments in which I had a desire to accompany my awesome first coffee of the day with a “prove it with code” scratch.

Now that I’ve skimmed the whole referenced page, the immediate reaction:

The buffet of “artefacts” is overwhelming.

For me, too many artefacts, too many ways of doing things, too much thinking, too much to know about. Too much stuff going on: I immediately shut down as a defence mechanism.

I am having a “whoa, I’m tapping out, I’ve got to get out of here” reaction.