[tw5] Tiddlyhost save problem

New to tiddlyhost and using TW Classic - says version 2.6 on Tiddlyhost.

I successfully uploaded this one https://computernotes.tiddlyhost.com/ and an option to Save to Tiddlyhost is on the sidebar - hoorah. Finally able to edit online.

But this one https://elite-gunman-85.tiddlyhost.com/ does not and won’t save. It seems to have created a Save to Web button but it doesn’t. Says it is about to but then I get an “Error uploading Content” message Status: Undefined.

Any ideas why not? Guessing it has something to do with the systemconfig? or Stylesheet.

The ThostUploadPlugin adds its “save to tiddlyhost” button by modifying the shadow tiddler called “SideBarOptions”. If you have a real (i.e. non-shadow SideBarOptions tiddler, then it will take precedence over the shadow tiddler, and so you won’t see the additional button. You can get around that by adding <> somewhere in your custom SideBarOptions tiddler. Right after <> is the ideal spot.


Ps, https://github.com/tiddlyhost/tiddlyhost-com/blob/main/rails/tw_content/plugins/thost_upload_plugin.js.erb#L224-L226 is the code where the shadow tiddler gets modified.

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