[tw5] Teaser: A Puzzle Game

All built with native TW 5.2.0, except for one javascript macro to provide random number functionality.

I loathe javascript (thank goodness for those who are proficient javascript programmers and all the good stuff they create), but sometimes there just isn’t any choice…

The foundation architecture/setup of the game seems A-1 (must add choosing an image tiddler), now just a matter of the necessaries of moving the puzzle pieces.

See attached screenshot.

(Attachment TwPuzzleGame.pdf is missing)

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TiddlyTalk doesn’t allow PDF attachments, so I guess you have to visit the GG post to view the PDF attachment:

I need to add some polish, but the main components seem to be working a-1. Here’s a video of the Puzzle Game in action: TiddlyWiki Puzzle Game: A Silent Preview