[tw5] Talk TiddlyWiki and the "discobot"

Hi folks,

When you join https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/ you will get a message from the “discobot”.

I will recommend, that you finish the tutorial, that it wants to “show” you.

It will interactively show you the basic features that you should know about the forum.

have fun!

How can I come back to the discobot tutorial if I missed it when I joined?


You should still have the message in your in-box.

You can restart the “conversation” when you reply with : start tutorial




For me start tutorial only gave me the same original post. I am not an admin!

I will look for a tutorial though


@ Tones,

The tutorial had started, you were expected to bookmark the message. When you do that - the tutorial continues - keep answering until you get the certificat.


Mario, I checked and I never received this message for some reason. I have 0 messages and I’m pretty sure I never went in and deleted it. Is there another way to get to the tutorial?

Hi Soren

That’s strange. You have to send it a new message like so:

Then add the user, a subject and some text. The text has to be more than 20 chars :wink:
The important part it the “start tutorial” text

have fun!

That worked, thanks.

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I am now granted a badge as certified by the @discobot at https://try.discourse.org/

CertifiedThis badge is granted upon successful completion of the interactive new user tutorial. You’ve taken the initiative to learn the basic tools of discussion, and now you’re certified!

But I also found this “new user guide”: Discourse New User Guide - faq - Discourse Meta

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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There is a

start advanced tutorial
