[tw5] Starting "Web Audio API" research

With the goal of eventually adding sound synthesis capability to the BASIC Anywhere Machine

I am currently exploring the Web Audi API via this TiddlyWiki instance.

For anybody interested, I’ll report on updates to the “Synthesizer” and new things learned via this thread.

I’ve kind of flipped things around, now focused on learning the Web Audio API via BASIC Anywhere Machine first, with thoughts about putting what I learn into a TiddlyWiki music synthesizer/compozer later.

To see quality of sounds at various frequencies with played in all four waveforms (sine, square, sawtooth, and triangle), give this BASIC Anywhere Machine sample program a spin. (NOTE: requires a physical keyboard to select an octave, so will not currently work with touch devices.)

Aside, if you geek out on this kind of stuff, a very cool article: Let's Learn About Waveforms

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if of any interest, that sample program should now work with touch devices too.