[tw5] Showing a little something depending on the results of a massive something

The pattern is all about grabbing the results of a very complex process, and scanning those results to decide on whether or not to do something.

<$wikify name="codeIssuesCheck" text={{{ [[Code Issues Template]get[text]] }}} >
<$list variable="codeIssues" filter="[<codeIssuesCheck>search-replace:g:regexp[\n],[:NL:]split[:NL:]regexp[Declare sub]count[]!match[0]]">
''<<menuItemBtn "View Code Issues#️⃣prod">>''

The Code Issues Template cobbles together a report from a whole bunch of complex information. Very complex code that takes a lot of things into consideration, and no way to create a tidy little filter that just gets a count of issues for deciding whether or not to show the menu item.

I only want the “View Code Issues” menu to display if there are any “Declare sub” issues.

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Some details (screenshots) related to the related functional and interface changes in BASIC Anywhere Machine:

:construction: In the works: Code Issues Notification and Viewing

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