[tw5] Re: [TW5] smallest possible tiddlywiki?

Just for the people landindg here searching for a “tiny” TiddlyWiki", there is FeatherWiki, described by Robbie Antenesse (creator) “to be just like TiddlyWiki, but with the smallest file size possible”. It is 50 times smaller than an empty TiddlyWiki, and it’s compatible with Tiddlyhost.

I made use of FeatherWiki to create an “eCard” named “TiddlyCard”, that made distributed verification possible between Mastodon and a wiki published in Tiddlyhost.




"hCard" no “eCard” .__.

Yeah, I use a FeatherWiki instance as my startup page when I turn on my Chromebook.

I use that to quickly look at my Google Calendar (in Agenda view) and use it as beefy bookmarks manager, quick note-taking, and reminders (like post-it notes)

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