[tw5] Re: [TW5] Introducing TiddlyTables a plugin for creating sortable tables.

Hi Alan
I’ve just found this plugin and its amazing. Congratulations on a great job!

Maybe I’m just missing something but I would like to be able to create a multi-line table whose content come from a single tiddler instead of a tiddler per line (probably named tablename_content and tagged with a specific tag).
The content of that tiddler may be some form of structured text like CSV.

I think this would cover a common use case where we have large tables with static content in a tiddler that become quite difficult to edit using TW syntax.

Best regards
André de Carvalho

PS: as you can see by my sites (Missing in TW5 — a kind of feature request for TW5 and https://acarvalho.tiddlyhost.com/) I’m not too orthodox in TiddlyWiki usage but for me it is a fantastic tool to keep an easy to maintain and read website.

Andre, please know that the community’s official forum moved a while ago to this site:


Posts to google groups get forwarded there, so I could see your question – but I had to come over to google groups to reply. In future, please post questions (and search and browse some great conversations, including multiple ways of approaching tables!) over at the talk.tiddlywiki community.

Meanwhile, I can offer a quick tip here, though: Check out the quick-table macro (also by @Mohammad) here:


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