[tw5] Re: [TW5] Delete tiddler on click/mass delete

Found this thread searching for “mass delete tiddlywiki”.
Does anyone know how we can mass delete a list of tiddlers without clicking (and confirming) on 1000’s of delete icons?

OK, solved it using this info: Is there a quick way to delete old tiddlers?(I copied from main TW)

Make a tiddler called Purge1 with this content (making sure to adapt the filter on the Make Purge2 List button):

  1. Edit this Purge1 tiddler and set the filter
  2. Click this “Make Purge2 List” button
  3. Edit the [[Purge2]] tiddler and verify the list is correct
  4. Click the “Delete Purge2 List” button

<$button>Make Purge2 List
<$action-listops $tiddler=“Purge2” $filter="[search[foo]!is[system]!search[Purge]]-twhelp"/>

<$button>Delete Purge2 List
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[list[Purge2]]"/>

In this example all tiddlers containing the word foo (except the word Purge so this tiddler isn’t also deleted) are listed into Purge2 and can then be deleted.

If you can use a filter to get the list the tiddlers you want to delete, then you can use the delete button (“trash can”) in $:/AdvancedSearch > Filters tab to bulk delete all matching tiddlers.

If you want to exclude a few specific tiddlers from your filtered list, you can add -[[NameOfTiddler]] to the filter.

Alternatively, if you install https://tiddlytools.com/#TiddlyTools%2FSearch%2FFilters, you can enter your desired filter and press the delete tiddlers button (“trash can” - upper right of the TiddlyTools/Search/Filters interface). This will then display a modal dialog with a checkboxes for all matching tiddler titles. You can then clear the checkmarks for any tiddlers you want to keep, and then press the “delete” button to delete the rest of the listed tiddlers.
