[tw5] Re: Tiddlywiki - Database

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Creating a simple Contacts DB

regards, ireng

Hi, many thanks for your support and efforts to get it to work.

Sorry, that I could not get earlier back to you, because i was off for a weekend trip!

Again, many many thanks !

Now, I will modify the Contact database to use ist as a small system to record my car expenses.

best regards, Ireng

The simple Contacts DB uses Newtiddler Widget from Stephan Hradek. That got incompatible with later versions of Tiddlywiki.

It is more than 7 years old now.

Okay, I tried to make it word with TW5 5.23.
Download the attached file. Drag and drop it into you Tiddlywiki to import the necessary tiddlers and see how it goes.

SimpeContactDatabase.json (6.58 KB)