Hello everyone
I am trying to put on my wiki three things that I have seen in the Tiddlywiki v. 5.2.2, but I can’t get it right.
Specifically, I want to get the effects of “Tip” “Warning” and “Bad example”, for this I have copied the following from the tiddler $:/editions/tw5.com/doc-macros:
\define .tip()
\define .warning()
\define .bad-example(eg)
Then I copied from tiddler$:/editions/tw5.com/doc-styles the following:
.doc-block-icon .tc-image-tip { fill: #56754d8; }
.doc-block-icon .tc-image-warning { fill: #881122; }
.doc-bad-example code, .doc-bad-example pre, table.doc-bad-example {
The thing is that I don’t get the desired effect, but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I may have to copy something else but I don’t know what…
Can someone tell me what I’m missing?
⚠ Warning: Don't do it this way! |
$eg$ |