[tw5] List inside macro parameter

Hi everyone,

I work on tiddlywiki for 5 weeks. and I want to customise tips blockquote for user.

My users have no knowledge in code. so I want to create snippet and macro to create blockquote for tips, warning and Importante informations.

for exemple, for tips i would like generate something like this :Tips_Visu.png

to do that I use this code :

<blockquote class="Tips_BQ">
<div class="Tips_body">
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/images/tip" class="tips-icon"/>
<strong class="tips-Title">Tips</strong>
<div class="tips-text">
Ceci est une liste de conseil :
<li>premier élément</li>
<li>second élément</li>

(Sorry about the formatting, I couldn’t find the tag for the code.)

but for a result like this I add some html code.
I try something like this :

\define InsertTips(text)
<blockquote class="Tips_BQ">
<div class="Tips_body">
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/images/tip" class="tips-icon"/>
<strong class="tips-Title">Tips</strong>
<div class="tips-text">

<<InsertTips "Ceci est une liste de conseil :
<li>premier élément</li>
<li>second élément</li>

it’s working, but there are again html code for user. So I try something like this :

\define InsertTips(text)
<blockquote class="Tips_BQ">
<div class="Tips_body">
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/images/tip" class="tips-icon"/>
<strong class="tips-Title">Tips</strong>
<div class="tips-text">

<<InsertTips "Ceci est une liste de conseil :

* premier élément
* second élément

but the result is not good :

because is not in list.

And finally I try like this :

\define InsertTips(text)
<blockquote class="Tips_BQ">
<div class="Tips_body">
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/images/tip" class="tips-icon"/>
<strong class="tips-Title">Tips</strong>
<div class="tips-text">
<$wikify name="wikify_Text" text={{!!text}} output="html">
<$transclude tiddler=wikify_Text />

<<InsertTips "Ceci est une liste de conseil :

* premier élément
* second élément

so the blockquote it’s created but without text inside :


I don’t understand How I can transmit tiddly text inside macro variable and transform like html code to have liste inside tips blockquote.

Someone can help me to resolve this point please ?
(I try with ChatGPT but it’s have no accurate and good solution for this problem ^^)

P.S: I’m sorry for my english, I try to improve it but it’s not my native langage. :wink:


The problem is that in order to render bullet items, you need the $text$ macro param
to be rendered using “block” mode, rather than “inline” mode.

To achieve this, all you need to do is to include a blank line in your macro,
immediately before the $text$, like this:

\define InsertTips(text)
<blockquote class="Tips_BQ">
<div class="Tips_body">
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/images/tip" class="tips-icon"/>
<strong class="tips-Title">Tips</strong>
<div class="tips-text">


<<InsertTips "Ceci est une liste de conseil :

__* premier élément__
__* second élément__

So, as you can see, your solution was only 1 byte away from working!

Also, be advised that most discussion/questions related to TiddlyWiki
has moved to https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/. Please join us there!
