Hello, it’s possible to start TW5 with sidebar collapsed, or autclick the “hide sidebar” when TW5 is opening?
Hello, it’s possible to start TW5 with sidebar collapsed, or autclick the “hide sidebar” when TW5 is opening?
Sorry, just taking a quick break at work, so no time to explain details.
Please download and drag the attachment into some tiddlywiki, take a look at the one tiddler and alter for your needs.
Startup Actions.json (454 Bytes)
It is possible - just go to Hide Sidebar On Startup . You will find the necessary tiddlers and explanation there.
put the line
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/sidebar" text=“no” />
in a tiddler with the label “$:/tags/StartupAction” .
Yeah, that tiddler is in my attachment. Just needs an unrelated line taken out.