[tw5] [help] Synchronizing TiddlyWikis - a single file and separate tiddlers configuration

Hi there!

I’m still struggling with a mobile workflow (Android) and playing with a few ideas so I’d appreciate any input. Thanks in advance!


  • I prefer using the separate tiddlers configuration
  • having one file feels like I’m locked in if I’d want to migrate later
  • it’s easier to use a file browser to view entries if there is an emergency
  • starting to rely on one “index.html” file feels a bit irreversible (there are export functions, but they support specific formats, not e.g. plugin specific extensions seem to be diregarded (e.g. .md for markdown tiddlers)
  • I’d love to be able to use the share to android app feature to save notes in my TW on my phone

At first my assumption is:

  • There is no Android app which is capable of serving a locally saved TiddlyWiky in the separate tiddlers format.
  • I’d love to be wrong, if there is one - the only approach I’ve found was running a node server on my phone which is a bit overkill IMO

This leads me to my questions:

  • Is there a way to generate consistently individual tiddlers from a single file “index.html” respecting the original format?
  • Is there a way to use TW on Android in the separate tiddlers format?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Hi, One way is to start a new empty client-server version and drag and drop import your single-file wiki there. So the single-file tiddlers will be saved back to the server as single tiddlers. – done.

Or you can use the --savewikifolder command: https://tiddlywiki.com/#SaveWikiFolderCommand


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