After month of daily use, TiddlySaver stopped working with Vivaldi browser and Edge too.
Perhaps due to some update, but can’t find way to get working again.
I have:
- checked settings in Vivaldi “Ask where to save each file” “off”
- checked correct “tiddlywikilocations” inside “downloads” directory
- checked “developer mode” also enabled
- deleted extension
- reinstalled extension
- checked also the “file editing permission” for site “file:/” in Vivaldi settings… here is only “ask” or “block”, maybe problem is here.
BTW no way, saving the “Automatic save not possible as your TW is not within the controlled directory”. After month of use.
Started to use TiddlyDesktop but unfurtunately is lacking CTRL+F to find in pages, and i need this.
So what else can I do to get TiddlySaver to work again?