Hi everyone,
A while back, I posted about my new chrome extension: gitmbed, which, while not directly tw-related, I believe could be used to improve accessibility to tw from INSIDE online social media/GitHub. The extension can be found at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gitmbed/cbfjhpckapddemlmidlmgoepochhfpfi, the official gitmbed website is at https://gitmbed.finnsoftware.net, and the GitHub is at https://github.com/flancast90/gitmbed.
How can I use gitmbed with tw?
Gitmbed makes it easy to embed your tw inside Social Media Website Posts (Instagram.com, Facebook, GitHub) which would normally block embeds. You can make your first gitmbed by navigating to https://gitmbed.finnsoftware.net#setup, which all you will have to give is a URL to your tw, the height you want the embed to be, and the width.
While instructions for only Instagram.com and GitHub are given there, gitmbed, in fact, will work on anything where you can add alt text to an image. This means that you can use it for Facebook/anywhere else assuming you can add an image and alt text to it.
I hope it really is a help for all of you; a demo of an embedded tiddlywiki.com can be found at https://gitmbed.finnsoftware.net#demo, and, as usual, feel free to drop a star at https://github.com/flancast90/gitmbed.