[tw5] For the giggles: a BASIC marquis program as a service

A BASIC program created in this test version of the BASIC Anywhere Machine TiddlyWiki instance.

Exported to a single-HTML file (the BASIC program, the “interpreter”, and the minimal HTML to make it all work), this program can be used as a simple service for any web site or local HTML file (aTiddlyWiki instance, for example.)

Paste this in some TiddlyWiki instance’s tiddler (if viewing this post in Google Groups, discard the leading and trailing triple backticks):

<iframe src={{{ [[https://basicanywheremachine.neocities.org/Test/Horizontal%20Marquis.prod.run.html?text=]addsuffix{$:/SiteTitle}addsuffix[ ]addsuffix<now>] }}} style="width:100%;height:250px">