[tw5] Export multiple tiddlers by filter to single JSON file from command-line

I am sending a filter to --render but it is only putting one tiddler in the json file.

Current command line:

tiddlywiki “Data Mart User Manual” --render “[field:change.from[7.0SU2 (7.0.Local)]][field:change.to[9.0 (9.0.Local)]]” ChangeLog.json text/plain “$:/core/templates/json-tiddler”



Hi Cade

The render command outputs one file for each tiddler. In this case, the files are all called “ChangeLog.json”, so they overwrite one another.

The fix is to use a filter expression for the output filename, and generate a filename from the title:

tiddlywiki “Data Mart User Manual” --render “[field:change.from[7.0SU2 (7.0.Local)]][field:change.to[9.0 (9.0.Local)]]” “[encodeuricomponent[]addsuffix[.json]]” text/plain “$:/core/templates/json-tiddler”

Best wishes


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