Hi all,
A while back, I presented to you the GG2TW tool to convert GoogleGroups conversations to Tiddler JSON files.
Since then, I have not done much with the tool, but with the announcement of migration by Jeremy a few days ago, I have decided to revamp the tool.
What to Expect:
- the tool will take as an argument URL’s of Google Groups conversations, which it will then convert.
- JSON output will be the same/similar, but with maybe a bit-nicer look (no left newline chars, etc.)
- Possibly an optional tool to crawl the GoogleGroups to gather URL’s to use (maybe a separate repo for this functionality)
I plan to begin doing all this in the next few days: keep up-to-date by checking the tool’s code at github.com/flancast90/gg2tw, and it’s homepage at gg2tw.finnsoftware.net!