[tw5] Comparing Tiddlers in Two TiddlyWiki instances: Step 2

Step 1 was about setting up a TiddlyWiki instance to, in startup actions when “?action=do_rpt” is present in the URL, to output (Session Storage) information (created date and modified date) about the tiddlers in the TiddlyWiki.

In step 2:

  • until the final solution is built and working A-1, I’m temporarily using local storage; I’ll revert back to Session Storage in the final solution;

  • in the output, I’m getting TiddlyWiki instances to also output a storage item that has a count of tiddlers followed by list of tiddler titles, which I’ll need as part of the process later

  • TiddlyWiki instances? Yes, I now have two TiddlyWiki’s, A and B, both setup to output info to local storage, so that I see what’s there and plan out the next step: a BASIC Anywhere Machine program that gets all that info from local storage
    To see the results in local storage, which you can delete after the fact:

  • TiddlyWiki A — a non-linear personal web notebook

  • TiddlyWiki B — a non-linear personal web notebook