Check it out the early stages:
Collaborative Recipes TiddlyWiki (Case Study)
an environment to elucidate best practices (more so architectural, less so dogmatic process/workflow) which facilitate a multi-user environment in a “bare-bones” nodejs TiddlyWiki
My plan is to, at some point, slowly invite individuals one at a time (and/or accept interested folk one at a time) to collaborate in this little project to see how we can get multiple folk adding recipes in whatever format/organization they like, yet find a way to somehow merge/join that information with the least amount of standards necessary.
Side note: interesting to see if innumerable ways of entering recipes eventually start to coalesce towards just a few ways of entering information.
Before I do slowly start getting folk involved (assuming anybody is indeed interested in playing) and setting up user id’s/passwords, I’d sure like to know if anybody has any comments/questions/suggestions/ideas/etc. .
There a few interesting things to learn here, amidst figuring out multi-user collaboration in a TiddlyWiki:
- setup and operation of a nodejs TiddlyWiki (TW 5.2.0!) on a Google Compute Engine vm, (the most minimal machine available, btw)
- for foodies, new recipes ???
- for The TiddlerHood, new TW recipes ??? (i.e. goodies related to TW features/functionality, maybe some HTML and CSS goodies.)
- anything else?
Cheers !