[tw5] Change the default title "image.png" to "timestampe.png" or "random-string.png" pasting from clipboard

I am using the tiddlywiki 5 on node.js, but require to frequently paste screenshots from other programs for notes. On node.js I can store images into a specific folder.

However, the default title is “image.png” after pasting from clipboard. I have to change it to different name, otherwise the old image will be overwrite. It would spend lots of time to change file name.

How could I config the default title “image.png” into the current timestamp or a random string?

I get a temp solution with autohotkey and vimium plugin in chrome. It only works for Chrome with vimium installed.

This script check whether an active window with title “My TiddlyWiki” in chrome.exe and clipboard has a image.

This script send keystrokes into Tiddlywiki. Caution to use this script as it might cause some unexpected results. Best to test line by line.

CoordMode, mouse, Relative
WinGetActiveStats, Title, width, height, x,y
_X := _X
_Y := height / 2
Click %_X%, %_Y%

setTitleMatchMode 1
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe chrome.exe
#IfWinActive, My TiddlyWiki

if DllCall(“IsClipboardFormatAvailable”, “Uint”, 2) ;2:CF_BITMAP
send ^v
sleep 1000
sleep 100
send /
sleep 100
send image.png
Sleep 100
Send {Enter}
Sleep 100
Send {Tab}
Sleep 100
Send {Enter}
Sleep 100
Send {Tab}
Sleep 100
FormatTime, time, A_now, yyyyMMddHHmmss
Send image%time%.png
Sleep 1000
Send {Tab}
Sleep 100
Send {Tab}
Sleep 100
Send {Enter}
Sleep 100
Send {Tab}
Sleep 100
Send {Tab}
Sleep 100
Send {Enter}

msgbox Please copy a image


I’m not sure how but you probably need to modify the tiddler $:/core/ui/ImportListing