[tw5] Cannot save with Chrome on C:\documents

Hi I have TW 5.2.2 I downloaded from Tiddlyhost. This TW was actually created on Tiddlyhost, I don’t know if that is a factor.

I’m using Chrome v100.0.4896.127 (it just upgraded today). I am storing the TW in c:\documents\chuckdocs. This is at work and IT has security pretty tight so I don’t know if that’s an issue either. I don’t know if my Windows user is an admin on this machine at work.

But when I save the TW in Chrome I get the File Save As dialog. I’d like to skip that dialog so when I hit the TW save button it just saves.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

Thank you! You all are such great helpers!

There are 20+ saver solutions posted on TiddlyWiki.com. The question is, how tightly is your system secured?

Can you run executable programs on USB (.exe) ?
Can you install executable programs (.exe) ?
Can you install extensions on your browser?
What websites are you allowed access to?

If you can install exe’s and extensions, then the best solution is probably Timimi. It makes saving work like it did on TH.

If you can run portable apps, then tiddlydesktop might be a choice to run from USB.

If you can’t do either of these, you might try the TW5-browser-nativesaver It will display a confirmation dialog whenever the browser restarts, but the rest of the time works transparently.

If you can access Github, then you could use the github saver.

Another possibility is to run node.js on your phone, and use your desktop browser to access it. The problem is, everyone on your intranet could also access sit.

Thank you Mark S. I imported the TW5-native-saver into my Tiddlywiki (using Chrome browser) and it seems to work well.

So each time I open the TW file I have to do the manual Save As dialog one time? That’s what it’s doing right now.

If I wanted to try a chrome extension to handle saving would I have to remove your imported tiddler?

Yes – once per opening. I suppose that’s a problem if you don’t have yours opened all day.

You should probably at least disable it to avoid conflicts.

What extension are you thinking of using?

I’m not sure yet.