[tw5] ACE editor plugin

Hallo, how do I install Joerg Plewe’s ACE editor plugin?

I imported by dragging and dropping into my wiki the whole set of shadow tiddlers, but I guess it’s not enough and indeed when I open a new tiddler it gives error ‘Undefined widget ‘edit-aceeditor’’

Couldn’t find any clue on how to correctly install the plugin on https://tiddlywiki.com/static/Ace%20Editor%20Plugin%20by%20Joerg%20Plewe.html


Plugin Details

This plugin contains the following shadow tiddlers:

  • $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/application/javascript
  • $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/application/json
  • $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/application/x-tiddler-dictionary
  • $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/css
  • $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/html
  • $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/plain
  • $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/vnd.tiddlywiki
  • $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/x-tiddlywiki
  • $:/plugins/innoq/ace/ace.js
  • $:/plugins/innoq/ace/aceplugin.js
    BTW tis code seems not longer maintained since quite a while, are there any other choices of a decent embedded editor for TW code?


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Drag the $:/plugins/innoq/ace link to the top-ish part of your TiddlyWiki and drop, which should bring up an import tiddler.

That will bring in all of the necessaries.

(Well, dragging each shadow tiddler might work, but I’m thinking much better to have dragged that one link to get everything.)

Because this plugin has javascript, the plugin will not work until you save your TiddlyWiki and reload it.

Drag the $:/plugins/innoq/ace link to the top-ish part of your TiddlyWiki and drop, which should bring up an import tiddler.

top-ish part isn’t needed anymore. The import mechanism will also work with an empty story river since v5.2.0

Hi CG,

CodeMirro may be an option: https://tiddlywiki.com/#CodeMirror%20Plugin

Also have a look at: GitHub - Gk0Wk/TW5-CodeMirror-Enhanced: An enhanced for CodeMirror framework in TiddlyWiki, including TW5 highlight, WikiLink auto-completion, expandable hint, snippets, etc.



The english readme of CodeMirror-Enhanced is at: TW5-CodeMirror-Enhanced/README_en.md at main · Gk0Wk/TW5-CodeMirror-Enhanced · GitHub

It worked nice and easy, thanks!

Thanksalot, I will have a look at it.

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Thank goodness! I wasn’t loving my explaining, so I am some happy you got that working !