Hallo, how do I install Joerg Plewe’s ACE editor plugin?
I imported by dragging and dropping into my wiki the whole set of shadow tiddlers, but I guess it’s not enough and indeed when I open a new tiddler it gives error ‘Undefined widget ‘edit-aceeditor’’
Couldn’t find any clue on how to correctly install the plugin on https://tiddlywiki.com/static/Ace%20Editor%20Plugin%20by%20Joerg%20Plewe.html
Plugin Details
This plugin contains the following shadow tiddlers:
- $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/application/javascript
- $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/application/json
- $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/application/x-tiddler-dictionary
- $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/css
- $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/html
- $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/plain
- $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/vnd.tiddlywiki
- $:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/x-tiddlywiki
- $:/plugins/innoq/ace/ace.js
- $:/plugins/innoq/ace/aceplugin.js
BTW tis code seems not longer maintained since quite a while, are there any other choices of a decent embedded editor for TW code?