[tw5] A URL approach to view and run a BASIC program in BASIC Anywhere Machine


In the programmer’s reference, I want to be able to show related code for any particular topic, but I don’t like the idea of pasting code into the documentation from code also stored in the programming environment.

So I’m thinking let a program exist once, refer to it “right there” in the documentation, so that one can not only see the code but also execute it.

Things might be easier if I had BASIC Anywhere Machine IDE + programs TiddlyWiki and BASIC Anywhere Machine Programmer’s reference TiddlyWiki all in one TiddlyWiki instance.

But I kind of like having the two separate TW instances.

Although I don’t think it will be an issue, the potential for link rot remains in the back of my mind. So potential for some tweaking of the approach.

If this is of interest to you and you want me to explain how this works with the BASIC Anywhere Machine TiddlyWiki, get a hold of me and I’ll fill in some blanks.


Slight tweak to plans.

Instead of the target being a specific program, the target is “all programs that match the specified statement/function.”

So in the sample URL above, give me all programs that make use of “while wend”.

This way, when looking up a statement/function in the programmer’s reference, the programmer’s reference can show a list of programs that have the statement/function listed in the description fields.

Now when I was a kid, one of the joys of learning BASIC was typing in the programs. At this stage o’ life, I’m thinking: if folk want to type in the program, they still can; but if they don’t they can just click on the “RUN” button right there and see what the program does.

Something like that …