I know that’s a real groaner, but I need to change “GraphViz Server” to something else so that folk realize this isn’t a “server.” It is more a “utility” or “appliance.”
The GraphViz plugin can be added to any TiddlyWiki instance.
The purpose of this project is to have one TiddlyWiki dedicated to the job of having the plugin and generating graphs.
So if you have any number of TiddlyWiki instances (so a dozen) for which you’d like to have GraphViz capability, have just one TiddlyWiki instance doing the job for all of them.
Ideally a very lean TiddlyWiki instance that does nothing but generate graphs for all the “clients”.
The beauty of this is: download your own instance of the GraphViz uTWility, locate it and modify it as you like. So you have your own appliance.
And if you want to do offline stuff, you can.
The problem with an online GraphViz server: you have to be online and have access to a server.
Not only is this good for offline graphing, it is also good for graphing behind your firewall which might block access to a GraphViz server.
I have a whole bunch of TiddlyWiki instances, and GraphViz increases the size of a TiddlyWiki too much for my liking. I will not have GraphViz saved over and over again every time I save a TiddlyWiki instance.
For a TiddlyWiki instance that is heavily reliant on many graphs, it might be better to include the GraphViz plugin at the cost of that much more getting saved every time.
The measure of a TiddlyWiki instance’s performance depends on the usage of that TiddlyWiki. For me, better to have GraphViz in one dedicated TiddlyWiki instance acting as an appliance to all of my other TiddlyWiki instances.
A copy of that GraphViz uTWility online for access anywhere on any device, and a copy locally for better performance and offline access.