TW was/IS THAT far ahead of the game!
Years ago I was involved with building a system that reported the history of aircraft parts as they where manufactured, purchased, warehoused, transported, installed, inspected, etc.
Backend data normally in Oracle, MS, SQL-lite, ColdFusion, Mongo databases depending on manufacture, warehouse, transportation, or aircraft maintainer companies. Used Node-Red. Drag-drop nodes that contained/constructed the sequence of queries to be sent to remote servers for processing.
The results - good, bad, or ugly - were formatted for TW and inserted into the tiddler-store of a slightly modified ‘empty.html’ file. The info requester was notified with a link to the TW file - and there you go - a tiddler story of the resulting data, links, pdf, worksheets, etc. Which they could update/store locally.
Once the Data Analysis Department got used to the system - they were building their own ad hoc Node-Red nodes and TW filters/macros. Which is really the goal of low-code, the user builds it! If I needed to have a complex TW filter made (I suck at it); would get with ‘Jenny’ who was an expert. ‘Roger’ became the go to guy with Node-Red and both moved on to careers in IT.
The FAA revamped, centralized, and standardized the reporting requirements of aircraft part movements - so the system died as no longer needed. I didn’t shed too many tears as it was a PITA to maintain.
The fundamental key for these systems to work is that there is only one single ‘primitive’ data type. For Node-Red is the node in/outbound ‘message’ - everything (current state) is in the format of a message which updates as travels through the system. Similarly, TW has the ‘tiddler’ - everything is in the format of a tiddler. As long as built-in tools are available to (de)serialize data of differing formats in/out of the primitive type - life is good.
Low-code systems are more storage, network, and processor intensive - cases where some templates are injected when not really needed. But so what? - we go back to doing everything in C language? You think you got memory leeks now - go back to the good old days
Both Node-Red and TiddlyWiki were ahead of their time - and quite frankly - still are ahead of their time!