TW markdown, error interpreting numbered bullets

Using TW 5.3.3 in Brave Browser on Windows.

I’m getting an error in how the Markdown plugin interprets numbered bullets. Plugin from GitHub - markdown-it/markdown-it: Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed v5.3.3

When I type this Markdown

1. 2012. Research reveals women are more interested in a man’s earning capacity than the size of his wallet. 

I get this incorrect result of overlapping text:

The markdown plugin should only look at the first number "1. " delimited by a space, to determine that it’s a numbered bullet.

I guess I can report this on the Github site. Issue is: Error parsing numbered bullet in Markdown · Issue #1019 · markdown-it/markdown-it · GitHub

As far as I can see it at: does the same thing as: because it uses the same library.

Is this a bug that can be fixed in the Markdown plugin?

As I wrote, for me there is no problem using: May be you have some custom stylesheets, that change the OL or LI element settings.