TW is automaically creating links from some text phrases (i.e. DisplayRotate)

i just add some entries for my Tasmota flashed ESP and try to add some hints for the SSH1106 display,
like line as this:

DisplayText [zf1s1l1c1]Wohnzimmer: 22.5 C[f1s1l2c1]Terrasse: 5.1 C[f1s1l3c1]Partikel: 7 ug/qm[f1s1l4c1]Regen 24h: 2.7 mm[f1s1l5c1]Windst~80rke: 7.5m/s

Display rotieren (drehen 90°):
DisplayRotate 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

same issue as here in the forum, creating links from text like “DisplayRotate”.

Should be only simply text-

How can I disable this, or “blacklist” keywords beginning with Display* ?

Hi, take a look at this How to turn off camel case linking .

(I thought this is “freelink” but when I search “freelink” in the I didn’t found a result)

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Fyi camelcase is a core feature of wikis and helps you quickly generate links or flag the need to provide additional info. Using '[[]]` to force and ~ to cancel.

Rather than turn it off every you can disable it with pragma in a given riddler.

I just try to add this info (the force-part, the cancel-sign ( ~ ) is not a problem) in my Wiki to have this info stored, but will not possible because of “special signs”
(splitted in two lines, char missing).

Is it correct, to force it, there are these six ( '[[]]`) chars needed?

I try “Code blocks” (, but the these 6 charcaters will be not displayed correctly in one line.

Not exactly. To create a link to the tiddler named Some Tiddler, you can use the syntax [[Some Tiddler]].

Conversely, if your tiddler’s title is AnotherTiddler (camelcase notation) and you don’t want a link to it when you use its name, you can disable linking with ~ prefix like this: ~AnotherTiddler.
It also works when you use a word in camelcase that is not a tiddler title (eg. ~DisplayText).


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