TW "Calculator" prototype ready to play with

Contributions that involve deprecated stuff, that’s the kind of thing that’s the kind of thing that gums up the works.

This kid can’t be having sticks in his wheels or wheels stuck in the mud, or be putting community wheels in that predicament. So reel 'er in, dial 'er back, stay in the Zen zone.

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I made a little wiki to continue the work on this

I put the formula into a temp tiddler and added a katex-line.

It is far from beeing complete - the main flaw is the notation of powers (x**N) and squareroots (x**1/n) which does not match intuition and Katexsyntax (x^n) yet.

I turned it into a plugin because this makes it more comfortable and reversible to play with it. It is allowed by @Charlie_Veniot (and me of course) to take this further.

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@Charlie_Veniot It was quite easy to implement a better notation for powers in the formula power
It would be cool if this could be changed in the button as well and if we could implement a way to calculate and display squareroots. Could you help with this?

next thing would be a button for``\sqrt[3]{x}`

I need accommodations to help me minimize distractions, that to help me with attention regulation challenges and cognitive overload.

I heavily dislike javascript, but I dislike doing math in TiddlyWiki more. So I went with javascript. (The calculator leverages TiddlyWiki to dynamically create an HTML page that is fed to an iframe; the iframe takes care of the javascript math and displays the result. All of that fits my philosophy: use the best tool for the job.

I also heavily dislike ** as an exponentiation operator. I much prefer, as in BASIC, the circumflex character ^ as an exponentiation operator. However, I dislike inconsistency way more: having ^ in the calculator interface and ** in the javascript code, the need to translate (what I see with my eyes and what I see in my head) from one to the other as I’m working on the calculator drives me crazy. (This is just one example to demonstrate my needs that help me avoid sticks in my wheels and wheels stuck in the mud.)

My organizational needs require way too much accommodation for me to effectively work with you in regards to the kind of calculator you’re aiming for.

Much better for me and for you to have me steer clear.

Well, I’ll have my pom-pom’s and cheer your progress from the sidelines.