Truncate Tags [experimental plugin]

Tags are often used to build up documents in TiddlyWiki, with one tiddler becoming the tag for another. Here I refer to those tags as structural tags – tags that convey the relationship between a few tiddlers, but not the meta data. The problem with this approach is that tags created this way are often long, and are typically used only once. This makes it harder to use tags for their original purpose – conveying and encoding meta data.

This plugin allows you to reduce the display size of specified tags or hide them completely. Also provides a drop-down to filter tags that you see in the edit bar. You can create your own filters to hide different kinds of tag (e.g. Tags related to two different kinds of topics)

Note that you need to activate it, and should also deactivate it if you decide to uninstall. As always, be sure to make a backup of any tiddlywiki file that you want to keep!


Hmm, interesting. I use tags almost entirely structurally, and some of them are rather long! I’ll give this a spin after the weekend.

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Very interesting, I’ll need to put some time into wrapping my brain around how best to use this, but can definitely imagine it becoming integrated into my standard workflow

@Mark_S thanks for sharing, an interesting approach. There are however other ways to deal with this I will quickly mention.

  • Use TOCP to manage the tiddler heirachy outside the tags
  • Use an alternate tags field
  • Allow selected tags to be hidden

Its hard to decide the best approach without some broad research but thanks for sharing another approach.

You can still do that. The long titles are fine for TOC. Just inconvenient when you want to find meta tags

That is non-standard. You can’t drag and drop your tiddlers to another TW and still have them function. Plus you’d have to change all the code everywhere relating to TOC and tag maintenance.

That is effectively what this plugin does.

I’m thinking the next thing I might add is to have the “add here” button automatically tag a tiddler as structural.