Also, while this is up for discussion, I’m OFTEN hitting my head over the import dialog interface in TW because there’s no keyboard shortcut (as far as I can tell) for getting into the renaming text-box, and no keyboard shortcut for confirming the new name. Return or enter would be intuitive! Or, just use the title that is actually currently displaying in the name-entry area (which is apparently stored in some temp-tiddler purgatory, as if I might have typed something very dangerous by accident).
I don’t think I can count the number of times I’ve taken the effort to get into that box and type the desired name for an imported thing, and then clicked “import” button while happily looking at my fancy new image title displaying there…
… and realized only afterwards that I had not moused-over to the check-mark to confirm that new name. 
Time to go open that silly new image.png in edit mode to rename it, …
Oh but wait, actually it’s time to load up a backup of my whole wiki, because that new image.png has just overwritten the image.png tiddler that still has that name from the last time I imported without remembering to mouse over to the checkbox to confirm my descriptive name…